Paper Mavens

Critical Issues

As with any stationery website, it is crucial that all combinations and possibilities of products be planned and accounted for in the requirements gathering phase. A typical retail eCommerce website has a product and an option; small, medium, or large. When you bring in the complexities of personalization, quantity & pricing, typestyle management, photo upload, it can really be a challenge to deploy a website that accounts successfully for all combinations. As with most eCommerce stationery website, there is a need to update products, change typestyles, add new featured products, manage quantity & pricing options, and control the catalog dynamically from anywhere, time, or place. Along with providing a solution for the previously mentioned, it was key that Chico Web Design craft a user experience that makes it easy for the end user to understand and easily navigate the personalization options.

Our Solution

Once Chico Web Design and Paper Mavens developed a solid set of requirements, the design and development began. With two artistic mothers directions, Chico Web Design was able to design a look & feel that depicts the atmosphere and feeling that the owners wanted to portray. Along with the crisp exterior design, the intererior administrative section easily allows for the two owners to maintain customers, orders, manufacturers, and products.
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